Once in a while something comes up that just
can't be ignored; it's those times that make me thankful that I have
flexibility with my time. Just recently one of those opportunities
presented itself and, because I could, I jumped on it: working with
the Red Cross near Ground Zero. I have posted an extensive
description of that experience, but first let's talk a little about
"flexible time".
One of the biggest advantages of working at
home is the fact that your time is your own. BUT... one of the
biggest disadvantages of working at home is the same thing, so it can be
very difficult to leave it alone.
After over 19 years of struggling with this,
I must say that I am still on the fence about whether it's a plus or a
minus. But then again, it really doesn't matter does it? It is
what it is. We have to learn to take advantage of it when we can and
manage it when we can't. I've experienced incredible joy taking time
off when I could and terrible frustration trying to take time off when I
couldn't. We've all had these trials and tribulations, haven't we?
Back to the Red Cross. I was in New
York to meet with a mentor and fellow speaker. I found myself
inexplicably drawn to Ground Zero and I knew that I simply had to do
something to help. Thanks to my time flexibility, I was able to do
just that. It was an experience that I will never forget; one that
was so rewarding that I want to share it with anyone and everyone. I
invite you to visit http://www.TheStayAtHomeCEO.com/redcross.htm
where you will find the details presented in the hope that you, too, may
have such an opportunity some day and that you will take advantage of
it. Because you can.
Are you making good use of your flexible
time? Are you using it to do things that are important to you?
I know a home entrepreneur in Arizona that works with youths in local
jails and is also active with Junior Achievement projects in local
schools. She has the time flexibility to do these things and
she does.
Then there is the dark side. It can be
awfully hard to leave your business alone when it is just a room or two
away isn't it? How do you resist that little voice that says,
"Just come to the office for a minute"? We all know what
happens then; you're already sitting there so you might as well do just
one more thing, and another, and another. Suddenly it's too late to
do anything but go to bed.
There is no easy answer. Awareness of
the problem and the importance of managing it is a big step.
Sometimes a "trading" strategy helps smooth the bumps. For
example, if you take a day off to spend with visiting relatives you get to
"trade" that free time for working time a few evenings after
dinner. That's fair, don't you think?
Our time flexibility is one of our biggest
assets. Let's use it wisely.
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