Published articles:
"Baloney" - you
can start your own business
"Save Thousands of
Dollars" - target your market
"It's Not as Hard as
it Looks" - create a cash flow (Download free
sample worksheet [for Microsoft Excel only]: RIGHT-click here,
then "Save As...")
Your Very Own Gold Mine" - start and use a database
Are Not Alone" - collaborate with someone
the Interruption Beast" - handling interruptions
to Wind a Cuckoo Clock" - there is always a "right"
way to do everything
Snow" - it's easier to finish a large project by breaking it
into smaller pieces
Hard to Imagine" - it's easy to lose perspective, so don't
Pictures" - little things make a big difference
What Cost?" - the true cost of stuff
Single Word" - one word can change your business
Not a River in Egypt" - the curse of denial
Your Cards" - put your business card to work for you
are Lifelines" - force yourself to get stuff done
Yourself Permission" - some things are just more important than
a few hours of work
Going Up!" - can you explain your business clearly in 20
seconds or less?
to Learn" - are you learning from mistakes and lost customers?
Personal Touch" - how you treat people makes a BIG difference!
Wonders of Flexible Time" - Are you using your flexible
schedule to best advantage? (Includes a link to story about
volunteering for the Red Cross near Ground Zero)
Perfect Gift for Our Customers" - Wonder what to give your
customers for Christmas? Here's a great idea!
Check" - Attitude is everything; your success depends on it.
Your Own Customer" - Is your product or service everything you
think it is?
Will Your Business Be Judged?" - You only have one chance to
make a good first impression
Panic" - If something unexpected happens, don't lose your cool.
You Doing a Good Job?" - Are you sure your customers are aware
of what a good job you do?
Rice" - how can you give added value to your customers at no
(or little) cost?
a Good Idea?" - don't tell your customers more than they need to
to be a Good Customer" - we know how to GET good customers and
KEEP good customers, but do we know how to BE a good customer?
It Better" - I don't care what you do, make, or sell; you can do,
make, or sell it better!
Your Bad Customers" - some customers just aren't worth the
trouble: get rid of them!
'em While They're Hot!" - there is nothing like a referral from a
customer. Here's how to get them.
Wires" - things are not always as complicated as they look.
It Takes" - if you want to succeed, sometimes you have to do
things you don't want to do. Do them anyway.
Gotta Ask!" - don't be afraid to ask for what you want; it may be
the only way you're going to get it!
Rules" - sometimes you have to make your own rules.
- getting started is the hardest part of any project.
is Harder" - it's not always obvious how to solve simple
problems; until they're solved, that is!
- be sure that you know what's important in your life, and act
accordingly, before it's too late.
Afraid" - fear gets us all and impacts our success.
About You" - be careful how you word your marketing materials
Your Employees" - give your employees the ability to give good
Bees" - know your competition or they will win
Coupons, Coupons" - offering coupons is a good idea, if used
Money? NOT!" - ignore the hype about making easy
money. If you want to succeed, you have to work hard. Period.
Secret Weapon" - you may be surprised at this wonderful tool that
is at your disposal, whether you realize it or not.
- what good is offering extra value if your customers don't know about it?